“Rock n Roll has changed in the last 30 years”, said my father. My interviewee was my dad who grew up in the rock ‘n’ roll times of the British invasion when many of the new bands came to America. His favorite band of the time is the Beatles because they were the best band of that time and they had good taste in their music. Now, he likes the Eagles from the past 10 years.
When talking about rock ‘n’ roll he said that when he was a teenager he listen to all of the rock and roll music at the time. From Bob Dylan to the Beatles he had many good taste in music. His favorite band like I said was the Beatles. He had collected many of their records including Abbey Roads in which he showed my brother and I last year in which we did not know he had. Another album he had was the “Meet the Beatles” while he was in High school. “ I wanna hold your hand” was the most popular song at the time that everyone heard. He stopped listening to the Beatles after the 80’s and listen to the Eagles. “Hotel California” was his favorite Eagles song. He liked the Eagles after from their guitar solos and wanted a new taste in rock ‘n’ roll. He loved when we bought him the greatest hits album of the Eagles back for his birthday gift.