Sunday, December 6, 2009

Scholarly Journal 2

“Beatles, or Stones?”, is a 2007 article from the Believer magazine by John McMillian. The scholarly journal is about how the two bands The Beatles and the Rolling Stones, on who which group to listen to as a teenager. In 1968, Mick Jagger flew from L.A. to London for a birthday party in which the party had many exotic items like Turkish hookahs and they were under black lights. Mick Jagger gave the people an advanced listing to their new album, Beggars Banquet, to play in the club. Paul McCartney walked in and passed Sanchez a copy to the Beatles single “Hey Jude/Revoultion”, which was never heard outside of Abbey Road Studios. The DJ played “ Revolution”, Mick looked peeved as the The Beatles had upstaged them.

When The Rolling Stones arrived in the U.S, The first Associated Press described them as dirtier, streakier, and more disheveled that the Beatles. They described the Beatles as incredibly lovable, amiable fellows. Both bands where fighting for air time on the radio and record sales throughout the 1960s. They supposed “ideological rift” between the two bands was nearly as stylized as the contrasting costumes they wore on The Ed Sullivan Show. In some fundamental way, they believed themselves to be part of the same community as John and Paul, and Mick and Keith. They believed they were all fighting for the same things.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Club meeting

The club meeting I went to was a Christian church meeting about a missionary trip to Mexico. My friend took me there because he is going and wanted more people to go. The whole night was about traveling to San Diego and driving down into Mexi Cali. The pastor was going over the full 3 day schedule in what the men and the women where going to do there with different jobs. Like an ordinary missionary trip, the pastor was talking about the church was going to be your sleeping ground and bathrooms where outside of the church. From the beginning of the night I was not interested in joining a missionary trip but at the end I had some thought about going to a missionary trip in which it will be my first trip.

Study tips 3

My last study tip is not to procrastinate studying before a test or a final. It shows that you do not care about the course and how lazy you are not studying for a test. The best thing is if you know a test is to study at least 30 min a night and of the week of the test, as much as you need. Study in places where you can focus and there is least noise. The MLK library is a place where I find studying the best place in which the internet is faster and it is complete silence.