Monday, November 30, 2009

music memories 2 interview

“Rock n Roll has changed in the last 30 years”, said my father. My interviewee was my dad who grew up in the rock ‘n’ roll times of the British invasion when many of the new bands came to America. His favorite band of the time is the Beatles because they were the best band of that time and they had good taste in their music. Now, he likes the Eagles from the past 10 years.

When talking about rock ‘n’ roll he said that when he was a teenager he listen to all of the rock and roll music at the time. From Bob Dylan to the Beatles he had many good taste in music. His favorite band like I said was the Beatles. He had collected many of their records including Abbey Roads in which he showed my brother and I last year in which we did not know he had. Another album he had was the “Meet the Beatles” while he was in High school. “ I wanna hold your hand” was the most popular song at the time that everyone heard. He stopped listening to the Beatles after the 80’s and listen to the Eagles. “Hotel California” was his favorite Eagles song. He liked the Eagles after from their guitar solos and wanted a new taste in rock ‘n’ roll. He loved when we bought him the greatest hits album of the Eagles back for his birthday gift.


My last in school muse event I went to a perfection seminar last week. The speaker talked about how perfection can lead to some problems. We listed the ways we can be perfect and where we show perfection. There was also ways stress can put pressure on perfection in which we can cope stress.You can put in perfection with 5 min of victory that he taught us.


My second muse event in school I went to a book signing for a Japanese-American photographer in the library. We watched a power point on the photos he talked about each picture in the Japanese interim camps in California. At the end of the book singing there was a Q & A session.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Lyrics Analysis

My song I analyzed was "Eye of the Tiger" by the Survivors. The song was used and is known for the movie series Rocky. The lyric s of the song represents a person who stands up and works really hard in what he does.The first verse is someone who did something but failed the first time. This is repeated over and over again until he succeeds. He trades in passion for glory also he still fights for passion too.

The chorus is pretty much an underdog story when the person fights. Eye of the tiger refers the fierceness of a person in battle. Eye of the tiger is also talks when he stalks his enemy and watching them at night. Also in the chorus there is a fight in which he wins. The person is the underdog in the lyrics.

The other verses is about how he is going to approach the enemy. Out in the heat, the person faces him and staying hungry about his fight. The last verse is when he is defeated with his guts in the toilet. They fought the distance and the better person won the fight. The song fades with “the eye of the tiger”.

My Top Music Moment

The West Coast-East Coast feud was my moment in music history. The West Coast had Tupac, Sugg Knight, Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. East Coast had Biggie Smalls, Puff Diddy, and Junior Mafia. There was a rivalry between the two record companies Death Row Records and Bad Boy Records. The feud started when Tupac was shoot outside a New York recording studio. At the same moment Biggie Smalls and his group recording songs. Pac blamed the shooting on Biggies group starting the feud. They would both have rap songs dissing each other for 2 more years. Tupac was shoot and died in Las Vegas in 1996 and Biggie a year later, thus ending the feud between each other.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Drugs is heavily impacted around majority of freshmen taking it or asked about drugs. From Marijuana to cocaine, there have been many drug related incidents that have affected my time at SJSU. drugs can take a tole in someones life to an addiction to leading causes in death. There are many time when you want to say no but peer pressured into taking a drug.

There is unlimited access to finding drugs on campus. Over the counter drugs can be overdose on Tylenol and cough medicine. That is one of the easy ways students can get a high off a non prescript drug. Finding a drug dealer can give you access to many drugs from: cannabis, cocaine, estacy, and pcp. Another way is to buy from a smoke store that sells salvia, a drug in which people hallucinate from the smoke. Since Salvia is not illegal to sell yet, smoke shops are allowed to provide it in their stores but they can only sell up to a certain times high in the store.

The drugs mostly used on campus is marijuana. A dime bag for at least 2-4 people can get them high instantly. The drug is very cheap and you can get various things to smoke it out of. Marijuana high can leave people baked for a good three to five hours but it can also give them munches in where they crave to eat a lot. Another drug on campus is estacy. Instead of smoking it like marijuana, estacy is a pill also known ass Thizz. When people take it they feel energetic and feel fresh before a party. Takers also have to drink at least a gallon of water after consuming the drug.

In what I have experienced is to walk away from taking drugs here on campus. I do not want to take the risk of smoking marijuana and getting caught with the RAs. There have been many ignorant happenings in which people have gotten injured from drugs. Every time some asks I just say NO!